Tag Archives: Totally Nerding Out

Super extra double nerd time


It’s funny how you can start to lose track of things when life gets hectic.  Between work, family visiting and taking care of boy wonder, it can be tough just to get the basic day to day stuff taken care of.  Stuff like, dishes, laundry…bathing.  That means that other funner stuff gets pushed way off the grid.  Some people like to go out drinking, watch the game, or watch paint dry.  My closest friends are big fricking nerds and our favorite activities…well I mean they still include drinking but we usually do it at home.

This weekend was a prime example:

  • Friday night – Netflix, BS with a buddy, Borderlands 2 on the 360 until an obscene hour of the morning
Exhibit A...er B for borderlands.
Exhibit A…er B for borderlands.
  • Saturday  – Sleep in like a useless asshole while your wife takes care of the kid and house, Netflix, Home made pizzas, drinks, about 40 rounds of Cards Against Humanity, Diablo III on the PS3 until an obscene hour of the morning
This would have been the tamest hand we played all night.
This would have been the tamest hand we played all night.
  • Sunday – Sleep in like a useless asshole again while your wife takes care of the kid, more Netflix and then a discussion with the wife about maybe not staying up all night two weekend nights in a row playing video games with my knucklehead friends.
Who wouldn't want to slay demons all night?
Who wouldn’t want to slay demons all night?

I might have been more resistant to that discussion if it weren’t for the fact that I’d said almost the same thing to my buddies before I kicked them out of the house at 6am Sunday morning.  Sometimes it’s important to understand that there is such a thing as TOO much nerding out.

Now if only my kid could hold a controller…