Monthly Archives: October 2013

Previously mentioned Russian spam post…NOW IN HD!!!

For your viewing enjoyment, our first spam post! Apparently when you set it to spam it doesn’t actually delete it, it just quarantines it, so you can, you know, unleash it like a bio-weapon at any time.

Сегодня 01.10.2013 открылся новый проект Просто Лайт!!!

Подробная информация и регистрация:

Хотите зарабатывать деньги в интернете, но не знаете как? Наверняка Вы мечтаете обрести финансовую свободу?
Мы Вам поможем! Кстати, свой первый шаг к успеху Вы уже сделали – Вы на нашем сайте! Теперь Вам осталось решить:
Хотите ли Вы зарабатывать РЕАЛЬНЫЕ деньги и быть финансово независимым. Или оставить все как прежде?

Преимущества проекта:

Все расчеты осуществляются через систему QIWI (без процентов и комиссий), только между участниками, что гарантирует
сохранность Ваших денег. Нет ограничения по рефералам на 1 уровне, а следовательно и на уровнях выше может быть любое
количество рефералов. Нет лимита продаж уровней. Очень удобная короткая матрица и стоимость уровней ниже, что позволяет
быстро и легко заработать много денег!!!

Отличия проекта Лайт от Просто50

Нет ограничения по рефералам на 1 уровне, а следовательно и на уровнях выше может быть любое количество рефералов.
Нет лимита продаж уровней. Очень удобная короткая матрица и стоимость уровней ниже, что позволяет быстро и легко
заработать много денег!!!

Стоимость уровней:

Уровень Цена Рефералы
1. 50 Руб Неограниченно
2. 150 Руб Неограниченно
3. 300 Руб Неограниченно
4. 600 Руб Неограниченно
5. 900 Руб Неограниченно

So now you too can make 300, 600, even 900 rubles an unlimited number of times! Once you have saved up a million rubles you can like, I don’t know, buy a slice of bread from Mikhail MuthaRussian Baryshnikov!!!

“What you say?”


5AM Workouts…and why they are a stupid stupid idea, part 1

This blog was originally conceived with at least SOME influence from my efforts (and Mr. Matt’s) to get in shape so it’s fitting that from time to time I would a) actually do something that might get me in shape and b) actually post it to the blog. Clearly that’s been a lot to ask. I would say that I haven’t REALLY done anything that resembled regular exercise since the Hank Aaron 5K. The irony is that we thought that might finally be a good time to kick this thing off, you know, since we’d put it off all summer for almost no reason.
Right, anyhow, so no working out… I basically hadn’t been to the gym since March although I guess I can make some excuses: busy with baby preparations, other physical activities in the summer, just plain laziness…okay so I could only come up with three and they’re pretty weak. We had started running shortly after my son was born and went at that enthusiastically enough for it to become an actual reason to not go to the gym. The running stopped after the 5K. I’m not sure exactly why but it just did. I know that when my wife went back to work there was definitely more of a struggle for time. Three weeks went by and somehow I continued to miraculously lose weight. It wasn’t a miraculous AMOUNT of weight, it was just amazing that I could stop exercise, keep eating like crap and suddenly begin losing weight. Go figure. Well, even that tapered off and I knew things were going to get sideways on me if I didn’t start doing SOMETHING. I have a fall volleyball league but 45 minutes once a week isn’t going to cut it. There appeared to be only one solution. In the back of my brain I began to recall that my gym opened at 5am. Normally I am not a morning person. This is largely because I prefer to stay up late, barely get enough sleep to operate and then run around like a lunatic so that I can get to work on time. This technique has served me well for many years. Ok, it hasn’t served me well but I’d been doing it and dammit I was comfortable with how stupid it was. My wife has always tried to talk me into going to bed at the same time as her and I’ve rarely allowed it. I gave in a couple weeks ago and went to bed at 10pm. You know what happened? I woke up, unassisted at 4:30am. I stared at the clock, realized that not only had I woken up 90 minutes early but I could blame my wife, and then promptly went back to sleep. This experience came back to the front of my mind at the same time the gym schedule occurred to me. Hmmm…if I went to bed at 10pm my wife would be happy, I’d wake up in time to go to the gym and nobody would miss me since wife and baby don’t usually see me before 6am anyway. I bet I could make it to the gym, check that off my list for the day and get to work on time. It would be a perfect way to sneak in my exercise needs without having to give anything up!

It’s true, we’ve finally made it!!!!

Today I moderated our first spam post! It was only the second comment ever posted on the blog but at 50% spam, doesn’t that validate us as a real blog site?! It was all Russian and shit and it went on and on for paragraphs. Come to think of it I didn’t even bother translating it…maybe it was all like “hey you crazy Americans are awesome!” and “I want to give you mad Rubles!” or even, “hey, I’m trapped in some psycho torturers dungeon and this is the only web page I could get access to! Please send the police…AAARRRGGHHHH!”
Heh…that would suck.